We’d love to hear from you! All inquiries are initially processed by office staff. Our Firm will conduct a conflict check to verify that no conflict of interest exists with any party to a matter. Please do not share confidential information or facts with our Firm until we notify you that a conflict check has been performed.
Submitting this inquiry does not constitute an attorney-client relationship with Hennessy Law LLC. I understand that Hennessy Law LLC. and its attorneys do not represent me with regard to any potential claim/s until representation has been confirmed in writing by the Firm. Time-sensitive or confidential information should not be included in this inquiry.
Submitting this inquiry does not constitute an attorney-client relationship with Hennessy Law LLC. I understand that Hennessy Law LLC. and its attorneys do not represent me with regard to any potential claim/s until representation has been confirmed in writing by the Firm. Time-sensitive or confidential information should not be included in this inquiry.